商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:jectronic.qy6.com 供应日本岩崎IWATSU 高压探头HV-P60 HV-P30_长沙力高捷创仪器有限公司
联系人:吴玉进 先生 (销售经理)
电 话:0731-85260926
手 机:18665876229


供应日本岩崎IWATSU 高压探头HV-P60 HV-P30


    日本岩崎IWATSU 高压探头HV-P60 HV-P30

High-voltage waveforms of up to DC 60 kV, pulse 80 kV measured by oscilloscope

Wide bandwidth, DC to 50 MHz

Maintenance-free, due to use of silicon rubber - guarantees stable withstand voltage


Maximum input voltage DC 60 kV or AC peak*

Single-shot pulse of 80 kV, standard pulse wave

Bandwidth DC to 50 MHz, within -3 dB

Rise time 7 ns or less (for probes only)

Input RC 1000 MW ±5% //5 pF ±2 pF

Attenuation 2000:1 ±5%

Cable length Approx. 4 m

Connector BNC type

Used for Oscilloscope with input RC: 1 MW, 15 to 50 pF

Size Approx. 88 mm (ø) x 338 mm (L)

Weight Approx. 3.5 kg (including accessories)

Accessories Matching box, clamp, probe tip, ground lead, adjusting screwdriver, accessory bag


High-voltage probe stand SK-301 (produced upon order)

The SK-301 can be used with both the HV-P60 and the HV-P30. It is attached by turning the probe bracket upside down (for HV-P60/HV-P30).

* The P-P voltage drops if the CW is 100 kHz or greater.

This is a passive probe that measures high-voltage waveforms by connecting to an oscilloscope, and has the following characteristics: the bandwidth is DC to 50 MHz, the maximum input is DC 60 kV, and the attenuation is 2000:1.

吴玉进 先生 (销售经理)  
电  话: 0731-85260926
传  真: 0731-85263946
移动电话: 18665876229
公司地址: 中国湖南长沙市雨花区环保中路289号长沙屿A3栋1015室
邮  编: 410007
公司主页: http://jectronic.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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